Trying to share some code ideas


Category: Python

Hadoop Spark – Hello World, Word Count

Hadoop Spark – Word Count

One of the first things to do in most programming languages is create a “Hello World!” program.  The equivalent in Spark is to create a program that will read the contents of a file and count the number of occurrences of each word.

Below I will show a basic example, so let’s start counting.

Read CSV files using Python Panda Dataframes

The great thing about the Panda’s library for Python is how easily it can manipulate data sources.  We will look at one of the first things you will want to do, read a .csv file.

Binary Search Tree – Is BST?

Binary Search Tree

Traverse the tree in natural order and test if each node is between the previous and the next node. Properly detect duplicate values. If a wrong sub-tree is encountered immediately stop the script and indicate the error.

See code below

Merging Tables

Simulates a sequence of merge operations with tables in a database.

See code below

Fractional Knapsack

Standard problem of trying to maximize the values of item with a constraint.  How many items can you put in a knapsack given the value and the weight of the items.

Uses python3
goal: maximize the value of items selected from the get_optimal_value
while the items selected combined weight is less than the inputted capacity

Binary Search

Binary Search Problem

Function below handles a simple search for a needle in a haystack using the binary search algorithm.

The function is called recursively to check if a value is inside the array

See python code below.

Pairwise Product

Function to take a vector of length n and multiply the two largest values in the vector.

See the code below

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