Where is it? WHERE IS IT? WHERE????
Sometimes you need to search for a value in the table, but you have no idea where it is. The query will use a cursor allowing you to search through multiple tables and multiple columns to find the value.
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USE YOUR_DATABASE; DECLARE @search_columns AS NVARCHAR(512); DECLARE @search_value AS NVARCHAR(512); DECLARE @search_datatype AS NVARCHAR(32); SET @search_columns = 'persid' -- if you know the column name SET @search_value = CHAR(39) + 'CO%' + CHAR(39) -- value to search for SET @search_datatype = 'VARCHAR' -- search only specified column datatype BEGIN TRY IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#column_list') IS NOT NULL BEGIN TRUNCATE TABLE #column_list; END ELSE BEGIN CREATE TABLE #column_list ( table_name NVARCHAR(512) NOT NULL , ordinal_position INT NOT NULL , column_name NVARCHAR(512) NOT NULL , data_type NVARCHAR(512) NOT NULL , max_length INT NULL , column_default NVARCHAR(512) NULL , is_nullable NVARCHAR(8) NULL , values_found INT NULL ) END -- find the columns that will be searched INSERT INTO #column_list (table_name ,ordinal_position ,column_name ,data_type ,max_length ,column_default ,is_nullable) SELECT TOP 250 infocolumns.table_name , infocolumns.ordinal_position , infocolumns.column_name , infocolumns.data_type , infocolumns.character_maximum_length , infocolumns.column_default , infocolumns.is_nullable FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS AS infocolumns -- exclude viewa LEFT OUTER JOIN INFORMATION_SCHEMA.VIEWS AS infoviews ON infocolumns.TABLE_SCHEMA = infoviews.TABLE_SCHEMA AND infocolumns.TABLE_NAME = infoviews.TABLE_NAME WHERE infoviews.TABLE_NAME IS NULL -- exclude views AND infocolumns.column_name LIKE @search_columns AND infocolumns.data_type = @search_datatype AND infocolumns.TABLE_NAME NOT IN ('si_ci_rec_rel', 'si_rec_prop' ,'si_log_prop' ,'si_wf_prop' ,'attmnt_06272016' ,'attmnt_delete' ,'attmnt_OLD' ) ; -- ------------------------------------------------------------------- -- set the cursor -- ------------------------------------------------------------------- DECLARE @main_cursor AS CURSOR; DECLARE @table_name AS NVARCHAR(512); DECLARE @column_name AS NVARCHAR(512); DECLARE @sql_command AS NVARCHAR(MAX); DECLARE @result_rows AS INT; SET @main_cursor = CURSOR FOR SELECT DISTINCT c_li.table_name ,c_li.column_name FROM #column_list AS c_li ORDER BY 1,2 ; -- ------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Loop through the table and columns names and store results in the temp table -- ------------------------------------------------------------------- OPEN @main_cursor; FETCH NEXT FROM @main_cursor INTO @table_name ,@column_name ; WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 BEGIN -- begin while loop PRINT 'SEARCHING: ' + @table_name + '.' + @column_name SET @sql_command = N' SELECT @result_rows = COUNT(*)' + ' FROM CAITMDBPRP01.mdb_rpt.dbo.' + @table_name + ' WHERE ' + @column_name + ' LIKE ' + @search_value +';' PRINT @sql_command EXECUTE sp_executesql @sql_command, N'@result_rows INT OUTPUT' ,@result_rows OUTPUT -- UPDATE Temp Table UPDATE #column_list SET values_found = @result_rows WHERE table_name = @table_name AND column_name = @column_name ; -- get the next row FETCH NEXT FROM @main_cursor INTO @table_name ,@column_name ; END -- end while loop END TRY -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- standard error handler -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- BEGIN CATCH --ROLLBACK TRANSACTION @current_transaction; -- Execute the error retrieval routine. SELECT ERROR_NUMBER() AS ErrorNumber, ERROR_SEVERITY() AS ErrorSeverity, ERROR_STATE() as ErrorState, ERROR_PROCEDURE() as ErrorProcedure, ERROR_LINE() as ErrorLine, ERROR_MESSAGE() as ErrorMessage; END CATCH; SELECT * FROM #column_list ORDER BY 1,2 ; |
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