Trying to share some code ideas


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Dashboard – Service Line

Dashboard – Service Line

Dashboard showing summary statistics by Hospital’s different Service Lines. Showing statistics about number of patients, number of encounters, surgical volume, and case mix.

Dashboard – Survey

Dashboard – Survey

Dashboard tracking students responses to organizational learning sessions. Students would rate the course, instructor, self-evaluations, and provide free-form comments.

Dashboard – Spiritual Health

Dashboard – Spiritual Health

Dashboard tracking the contacts between spiritual advisors and patients. Spiritual advisors can be for a specific religious denomination or non-denominational. The dashboard was used to ensure the hospital was in compliance with anti-discrimination laws.

Dashboard – Research Studies

Dashboard – Research Studies

Tracking research studies at the hospital by type of study and number of participants in the study.

Dashboard – Covid

Dashboard – Covid

Tracking the Covid variant by incidents, lineage, location and patent demographics

Dashboard – Covid Studies

Dashboard – Covid Studies

Tracking the hospital’s different Covid Studies, by provider, area of interest, and funding source.

Dashboard – Child Vaccinations

Dashboard – Child Vaccinations

Dashboard showing details about vaccinations for children age 9 – 18

With focus on vaccinations for TDAP, MCV, and HPV.

Dashboard – Aeromed

Dashboard reviewing the performance of the hospital’s four aeromed units. Aeromed units are used when a patient needs critical care and must be transported by helicopter and can not be transported by ground transportation.

Dashboard shows details about completed, cancelled, and maintenance missions.

Dashboard – Anesthesia

Dashboard – Anesthesia

Show when an Anesthesiologist has an overlapping operation. Show the details on how many operations are overlapping, And the date and times of the overlapping operations.

Visualization – Correlation Chart

Correlation Chart in Qlik Sense

Qlik Sense does not have a correlation chart built-in. However we can mimic the capability by using a heat map.

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