When working with a large table the UPDATE statement can easily bring even the most robust server to a screeching halt. In this posting I will show an alternative so even the largest tables can be updated without negatively impacting server performance.
Category: Microsoft T-SQL
SQL with specific Microsoft T-SQL commands
“What you don’t know can’t hurt you can drive you bonkers.” – R. Hedgins
Today’s posting will deal with an option setting that can minimize interoperability issues between Microsoft’s nuanced interpretations of standards.
Microsoft Access and Microsoft SQL
“Union of ideas begets a surprising confidence” – J. Madison
Today’s post will deal with an SQL command many of us may be familiar with but may forget exists, or haven’t thought about other uses for it.
In simplest terms the UNION command allows you to join separate SQL queries into one result set. The UNION command has one optional option “ALL”
There are times when you want to find all of the views that are in your Microsoft SQL database. Especially when there are 1,000’s of views. Each with the naming convention of the previous 5 DBA’s personal whims. Normally as a database ages the views will become duplicative and add to the general clutter that gets in the way of efficiency.
List all views in a database
“Talk about reaching over your shoulder to scratch the back of your knee” — Dave M.
My former co-worker Dave was full of such colorful phrases, and this was one of his favorites. He would use the phrase anytime he saw someone using an inefficient method to accomplish a task.
In this vein, I am going to attempt to share some tips, tricks, and helpful hints about how to accomplish things quicker and easier. Some of you out there may be already aware of these tips, but others may not. Also, if you have some hints to share send them along, so everyone can benefit.